A study is currently underway to evaluate disease characteristics in hemophilia B patients receiving FIX replacement therapy. Consider Honey-B as an opportunity for your male patients to contribute to hemophilia B research.
Honey-B is a study that aims to evaluate disease characteristics in hemophilia B patients receiving FIX prophylaxis. The aim of the study is to gather at least 6 months of information on bleeding events for each individual participant while they continue to use their usual FIX replacement therapy. There is no experimental treatment being tested in this study. The study is informational and part of a larger program to understand and treat hemophilia B with an experimental therapy in the future. Participants enrolled in this study may be offered the opportunity to enroll in a subsequent clinical trial investigating the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of an investigational treatment.
Patients are expected to participate in this study for a minimum of 6 months and up to 2 years, with the duration of the study being dependent on the availability of opportunities to enroll in a subsequent clinical trial. During the study, participants will have at least 6 and up to approximately 9 study visits, depending on the duration of the study.
Qualified participants may also be compensated for certain travel and food costs that are related to study visits.
- Male (≥16 years old)
- Diagnosis of moderately severe to severe hemophilia B with medical history of FIX functional activity ≤2% or a documented genotype known to produce severe hemophilia B
- Previous experience with FIX therapy with a current stable FIX prophylaxis regimen (recombinant, plasma-derived or extended half-life FIX product) for>2 months prior to enrollment, with the intention to use FIX replacement therapy for the duration of the study
- Willing to be contacted for the opportunity to enroll in a potential future clinical trial testing an investigational treatment
- Please note: Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria apply.
The study team will check your patient’s full medical history to see if they meet all inclusion criteria. Diversity in studies is critical to developing better treatments – help ensure that your patients are represented.
If you have potentially eligible and interested patients, allow them to contribute to hemophilia B research and discuss the Honey-B study. You may also contact the nearest study site to refer them.
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Your patient’s health and safety are our top priorities. We hope you value the impact of this research and will consider referring potential candidates. With your support, we hope to advance medical knowledge of hemophilia B and find treatments for diagnosed patients.